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[GH6]⋙ Libro Free Press 2 for English Fix Immigration Save America S Rob Sobhani PhD 9780984653805 Books

Press 2 for English Fix Immigration Save America S Rob Sobhani PhD 9780984653805 Books

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Download PDF Press 2 for English Fix Immigration Save America S Rob Sobhani PhD 9780984653805 Books

The son of immigrants, Rob Sobhani, Ph. D. was raised with a deep love of America and an appreciation of its legacy of open doors. Today he fears the fallout from an immigration policy that is completely out of control. Unmanaged immigration, legal and illegal, is having a disastrous effect on state and local economies, jeopardizing jobs for low-income citizens, creating a population increase that puts pressure on our shaky infrastructure and overburdened environment, and worst of all, is fracturing our national identity and spirit. What is needed, he argues, is a new immigration consensus-one that would respect the tradition of American opportunity and diversity without crippling our nation. In this fast-paced book, Dr. Sobhani outlines a 5-point plan to fix the U.S. immigration system, while strengthening the assimilation and loyalty of those who come to America legally. First, his plan includes a commitment to establishing English as the official language, an action that would strengthen our singular bond. Second, he argues that before the states and Congress devise new laws and procedures to address illegal immigration, we should get serious about enforcing the laws already on the books-and he offers some compelling methods for doing that. The third part of Dr. Sobhani's plan calls for a five-year immigration moratorium, when most immigration would be put on hold. Fourth, in conjunction with a moratorium, he calls for a reevaluation of family reunification policies, through which millions of people are added to the rolls every decade, regardless of their ability to contribute to the prosperity of the nation. Dr. Sobhani's fifth point is especially provocative- that immigration is most attractive to citizens of economically weak and politically corrupt nations. America should work to promote economic sustainability and political progress in neighboring nations, giving potential immigrants motivation to stay and work within their own systems.

Press 2 for English Fix Immigration Save America S Rob Sobhani PhD 9780984653805 Books

The title "Press 2 for English" is a sad commentary on where we are as a nation at this moment; however, the book itself has practical, no-nonsense ways to get us back to when we were a thriving America! Congress should take the time to read all 233 pages--including notes. They were able to read 2700 pages for the health bill, right? 233 pages should be a piece of cake! English SHOULD be the official language. If you want to live and work here,SPEAK ENGLISH! What other country would allow us to demand they speak or print labels or signs or government information (DMV) in English? Enforce the immigration laws we already have. Crack down on companies who hire illegals--if illegals can't get a job, they will go home on their own! The illegals and their extended families are taking jobs away from the black communities--where are Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all members of the Black Congressional Congress on this issue? Put pressure on Mexico to clean up their act to entice their citizenry to stay home. Maybe we need to put money there instead of China. Close the borders to all immigrants for a period of time--we simply can't afford to support anyone else, legal or otherwise, for the foreseeable future.

THe book is a quick read and in "simple English!" If you are interested in helping to fix immigration and save America, send a copy to your Congressperson and ask them to give it a read--or at least have a staffer read it and give them the highlights--and work on putting the words into action!

Product details

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher Caspian Publishing, LLC (2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0984653805

Read Press 2 for English Fix Immigration Save America S Rob Sobhani PhD 9780984653805 Books

Tags : Press 2 for English Fix Immigration, Save America [S. Rob Sobhani Ph.D.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The son of immigrants, Rob Sobhani, Ph. D. was raised with a deep love of America and an appreciation of its legacy of open doors. Today he fears the fallout from an immigration policy that is completely out of control. Unmanaged immigration,S. Rob Sobhani Ph.D.,Press 2 for English Fix Immigration, Save America,Caspian Publishing, LLC,0984653805,SOC007000
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Press 2 for English Fix Immigration Save America S Rob Sobhani PhD 9780984653805 Books Reviews

I have had Press 2 for English on my wish list for a long time. The only thing holding me back was the $24.95 purchase price, since I almost never pay that much for a book. I was very pleased to finally find a copy at my local library. I hoped this book would help me to understand the illegal immigration issue and would provide a solution for those problems. I wanted to see if the author would touch on the aspects of illegal immigration that most concern me. I wanted answers on why our government turns a blind eye to illegal immigration, what social and economic impact illegal immigration has on the countries the immigrants left behind, and how to deal justly and practically with the millions of illegal immigrants now in our country.

Unfortunately, Press 2 for English is not the book I was hoping it would be. First of all, the author jumps around from point to point, often repeating himself but never fully developing his position. He does not directly cite sources for his statements, which is extremely frustrating. I suspect that much of what he writes is simply his own opinion.

Further, this book does not focus on illegal immigration. The author wants to see immigration reformed in many areas - which I'm sure would be beneficial - but he seems most to want to see all immigration greatly curtailed. His reasons sound like the same ones that people would have used over 100 years ago to keep the Irish and Eastern European immigrants out, and quite frankly, those people were wrong.

The author finally lost me with his comments on the Hispanic birthrate. He had been discussing the failure of immigrants to assimilate, and I hoped he would give some facts about whether later generations of Hispanics have assimilated well. Instead, his major concern ("most worrisome") is that third and fourth generation Hispanics are having too many children. What?! At least a decent percentage of these Hispanics are here legally, and their children, second, third, fourth generation or otherwise, are AMERICANS. Who is he to say that some other American is having too many children? What business is it of his? And what government policies would he like to see curtail what he sees as a worrisome problem?

I finally got too tired of the jumping around and the unsupported statements and gave up on reading the book. Many thanks to my local library for saving me the $24.95.
Been waiting for someone to publish a "tough love" roadmap to get this country out of its immigration mess. Sobhani's book hits the target and is a must read for every lawmaker and government official in this country.
It is so refreshing to read a practical solution to what seems like such an out of control, complex issue in our country. Dr. Sobhani arrives at a solution that is in the best interest of both immigrants looking for a better life and those suffering in our country due to a lack of opportunity.
As a South American immigrant myself, I was impressed with Dr. Sobhani's bipartisan suggestions on how to fix America's broken immigration system. Certainly we are dealing with an economic crisis and his suggestions on decoupling trade from China to Mexico and eliminating the visa lottery just makes good sense, especially during this fragile time. Incredibly timely and a must-read as we move past the Republican primaries and into November's presidential election.
I immigrated to the United States in 1974 and had to go through the immigration process to become a citizen. As a legal American citizen, I care for this country as if it were my own and whole heartily agree with all the points Dr. Sobhani made. His argument about enforcing new laws to address immigration issues and his solutions are very wise.
A MUST read for those of us who care.
I must admit that this book accurately depicts the immigration issues in the US. The US is a land of immigrants however the policies, legislation, and practices needs to be re-looked and revised so as to ensure our economic integrity. In this book, Dr. Sobhani actually provides an implementable action plan to tackle the immigration issue without jeopardizing our credibility in being 'a land of immigrants' . Our legislators and law makers need to read this book and seriously consider exploiting and implementing the 5 point action plan proposed by Dr. Sobhani. Well written, Bravo and thanks Dr. Sobhani, for having the vision and guts to write about this issue that is crippling the US economy. My one request is, can you make a kindle version of this book?
The title "Press 2 for English" is a sad commentary on where we are as a nation at this moment; however, the book itself has practical, no-nonsense ways to get us back to when we were a thriving America! Congress should take the time to read all 233 pages--including notes. They were able to read 2700 pages for the health bill, right? 233 pages should be a piece of cake! English SHOULD be the official language. If you want to live and work here,SPEAK ENGLISH! What other country would allow us to demand they speak or print labels or signs or government information (DMV) in English? Enforce the immigration laws we already have. Crack down on companies who hire illegals--if illegals can't get a job, they will go home on their own! The illegals and their extended families are taking jobs away from the black communities--where are Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all members of the Black Congressional Congress on this issue? Put pressure on Mexico to clean up their act to entice their citizenry to stay home. Maybe we need to put money there instead of China. Close the borders to all immigrants for a period of time--we simply can't afford to support anyone else, legal or otherwise, for the foreseeable future.

THe book is a quick read and in "simple English!" If you are interested in helping to fix immigration and save America, send a copy to your Congressperson and ask them to give it a read--or at least have a staffer read it and give them the highlights--and work on putting the words into action!
Ebook PDF Press 2 for English Fix Immigration Save America S Rob Sobhani PhD 9780984653805 Books

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